Being consistent in working out is one of the biggest stumbling blocks I see amongst clients in reaching and achieving goals. When you have a good rhythm with your workouts, it helps build confidence and continue to gain momentum. There are also so many health benefits that come with being consistent.
As a fitness professional who has worked for seven years to get hundreds of clients results, these are all helpful ideas to help you get on track with your workouts. Try one of these out for the next 2 weeks and see how it goes.

1) Be flexible with when you time your workouts
This is a common problem I hear from clients. I woke up too late to do my workout so I didn’t do it. I know many trainers will tell you to pick one time and stick to it. Yet, I think there can be a more flexible approach.
For me, I have a different schedule almost daily. My husband travels a lot and sometimes it would cause me too much stress to get a workout or run done in the morning.
Yes, I love to get it out of the way and prefer the morning. I also have arthritis in my left foot and ankle area, so some mornings I physically do not move as well. Mid morning or afternoon workouts are not as painful for me so I just roll with it and listen to my body.
Just remember- The best time of day to get a workout in is the one you will do and commit to. Everyone is different.
The best time of day to get a workout in is the one you will do and commit to. ~Theresa
2) Get an accountability buddy
I wake up early on Sundays to run a long trail run BECAUSE I love running with my running buddy. It keeps me accountable and I know she will show up rain or shine.
When you pick an accountability buddy, choose someone who you know will commit to a time and place as well. Normally, I can tell this after the first 3 meetings. My running buddy and I connected because Sundays are a good time for us. We are both busy moms with careers so we definitely value the time together. We also communicate the next time we will see each other right after the run and text each other every Saturday to check-in. So, try to find a good rhythm with your buddy.
There are quite a few of our members who probably could workout on their own at home but love the camaraderie that comes with working out together with another buddy.
Signing up for small personalized classes like our Femme Fit Collective semi-private sessions will also give you that same form of accountability. I often times see members make plans to go hiking or do something active as they are walking to their cars.

3) Know what kind of exercise style fits your needs
I find that I fit into the hybrid exercise style. I like to do workouts in groups but I also like to go an do running and workouts on my own. I would not want to get all my workouts done at my gym. I like to go 2-3 times a week to group classes, do some personal training and do my own thing. This works for me.
Get to know yourself better and see which style of workout you prefer- group classes, individual sessions or physical challenges.
4) Communicate with your partner
I’ve had a lot of different kinds of clients. The ones that are most consistent also have incredibly supportive partners. I notice that the common trend is that they communicate regarding their fitness needs to their partners, so it is a priority as a family or unit.
Their partners encourage them to attend and they also talk to their partners that they want exercise to be a priority.
My husband and I are both physically very active. We talk to each other every Sunday or Saturday evening about what our next week’s exercise schedule will be. Because my husband helps me with the kids, I never miss that workout. He is the same way. We support each other’s athletic endeavors.
If you aren’t sure how to have this conversation, try this sentence starter with your partner.
Hey, I would like to make exercise a healthy habit in my life and want to commit to doing it ____ times per week. Can you help me with this by _________ (watching the kids; encouraging me to attend; making/picking up dinner instead of me)?
You would be surprised by how supportive a partner will be when you are direct and clear about your needs and expectations. Try it out and let me know how it goes!

5)Drink less alcohol
I know this may be hard for some of you who love to be social and drink especially on the weekends.
I have found that as I have gotten older that it is harder to recover from drinking alcohol in the evenings and getting in a workout the next day.
Drinking more alcohol throughout the week is quite demotivating to any workout routine. If you do enjoy a drink, try limiting it to 1-2 per week or taking one with a meal earlier in the evening.